
I send Meijer a message every day via Twitter, and that message is posted here in a large font. Any partially relevant or tangential thoughts that exceed Twitter's 140-character limit are posted immediately thereafter, in a slightly smaller font.

Friday, July 10, 2009



ZOMG!!1! A tweet from Meijer! With a winky face! :-O!!!!!

Day 11

C'mon, we all know you're talking about Walmart. LOLZ. RT @meijer Their ideas of low prices gets a failing grade.

For those unawares, 'RT' is a re-tweet, meaning the latter half of this tweet is what Meijer originally said--i.e. "Their ideas...."

Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 10

@meijer It's been 2 long, Meijer!!1! Why is there always a 5/3 Bank right by u? Are they like ur BOYFRIEND or something? Lolz.

The truth, I think, might be that Meijer spends a considerable amount of money on real-estate speculation, so putting your business near an existing one is a safe bet. Either that, or Fifth Third and Meijer are totally doing it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 9

@meijer Ur weekly mealplan ( includes a salad w/ "Meijer Salad Dressing (your choice)." Ooh, tx 4 giving me the option!

What if I prefer Ken's Steakhouse brand? Or Annie's? Unfortunately, I don't think Meijer's mealplan-creators give their audience enough credit to deviate from their directions. I say this, in part, because Monday's main course is a frozen pizza. Can that even be considered a 'plan?' Usually plans involve forethought, and frozen pizza kind of epitomizes the opposite of forethought.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 8

@meijer Meijer, you are a store. You cannot read. These will not be read TO you. Nevertheless, I refuse to give up in this quest.

Today, TwitterMeijer goes referential. Perhaps Twittering Meijer and writing to a retired racehorse are not so different, after all.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 7

@meijer Ur like the Walmart of the Upper Midwest, only nobody hates you. Is it because ur owner came from 'humble beginnings,' or something?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 6

@meijer You know your new red shopping wagons or whatever? Pulling one thru ur store makes me feel ridiculous. There! I said it!

So, in addition to the handheld red grocery-holders (they're not 'carts' at that point, right?), at least one Meijer now has similar-looking things that are slightly more wagon-y. That is, they have wheels on the bottom, and a handle so you can pull them along. The whole thing is quite unsettling, actually, and it needs to stop. And, because Meijer doesn't respond to my Twitters, it's up to us to stop it. Fight the power.